More dilemma

So I was just sitting on my mother-in-law's porch, taking advantage of the fact that she took my children off to do some blueberry picking, and knitting away studiously on the Veil of Isis, when something horrible happened.

I finished the yarn. Mind you, I'm knitting this thing out of some lovely alpaca yarn Ironman bought me himself in Peru. I've got 17 balls of the stuff left, so there's plenty of yarn to knit this with. I'm on row 9 of 32 of the edging, so the end is definitely in sight. But the rest of the yarn?

In England. Ha ha ha, say the knitting gods.

Aestlight is still burning a hole in my metaphorical yarn pocket, so the only solution I can come up with is this: I have to finish Glynis before I cast on for the shawl.

There is good news and bad news. The good news is that I finished the first sock and cast on/did the ribbing for the second sock on the plane. The bad news is that I have to finish them in the next few days or hide away somewhere to work on them where someone (stop reading here Mom!) won't see them.


Dilemma (partially) resolved

Because having completed this:

Haiku pieces done

meant I could do this:

Yarn for Glynis

If I play my cards right and sneak my needles through security at Heathrow, there will be much Glynis knitting tomorrow. Yee haw!

PS - I've changed my mind about the second WIP I need to finish up. Yes, the Estes Vest is mostly done, but I really don't want to haul around several pounds of wool on my lap in August in Vermont and/or Maine. So I will be trading off a shawl for a shawl: finishing Veil of Isis in order to start Aestlight. Seems fitting, and Isis is a heck of a lot smaller/less wooly.