Socks, socks and more socks

One of my goals for the year was to knit more socks. To assist in that endeavor, I joined the Sock A Month knitalong. To date (6.5 months in to 2008), I have knit 8 pairs. Half of those pairs have been for me, two pairs are for Devil and one pair is a pattern I'm hoping to make available soon, and will go to a good friend. One last pair would have been for me, but they ended up too small.

It would be nice to have some more socks for gifts by the end of the year, but over my vacation I found myself casting on for yet another pair of socks for me. My trip to Windsor Button resulted in the purchase of a new sock book,

and some new-to-me yarn to try out a pair. Actually, I got yarn for two pairs of socks, but I've only got one photographed so far. Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures of the cute little Fixation balls before I started. All I have to offer is this

Spiraling coriolis in progress

blurry photo of the sock in progress. I'm onto the leg of the second sock now, and hope to have it finished by the end of the week. And with these colors, they'll count for Project Spectrum Earth and Air (even though they're late for Earth). A two-fer!

Here's hoping that tonight I can take some more yarn pictures and maybe even finish off the Brambler that was stalled for lack of handspun. What do you say girls? Gonna give Mama a chance to get something done? Sounds like a plan...